Monday, August 18, 2014

And the winners of BAT 48 are

Sixteen entrants and from them, nine returned to vote for their favorites, despite extending the voting timeline to two weeks. 11 out of 16 entrants garnered at least one vote, which is good to see. Hopefully, in next edition, both the no. of entrants as well as no. of voters will increase. I thank all of you for participating in this edition.

The results of Blog-a-Ton 48, here is the list of participants and the cheers they garnered:

As evident, here are the three Blog-a-Tonics of the Month. Click on their names to read their respective entries.





The Little Princess

Jaibala Rao

Congratulations to the well deserved winners (Parvathy, The Little Princess and Jaibala Rao). gkam and Sreeja who were close till the last minute and were tied for BRONZE BATOM till the end of voting. Finally as the marshal of Blog-a-Ton, I chose Jaibala Rao for BRONZE BATOM :) Congratulations to gkam and Sreeja, both of you deserve a big congratulations as well for penning down a fantastic post.

Winners can drop an email to any or all of the marshal id's to claim their badges.. Winners will also be featured on Blog-a-Ton Cover Photo. The photographs will be taken from their respective blogger profiles. Keep writing..!!!

You all can also read the voting comments now. Just click here to find who all voted for you or liked your entry and what they had to say about it!

The Top Three contributors are

Someone is Special31

Please visit Blog-a-Ton 2.0 for more info. See you soon in next edition!!! I wish the number of participants increase.

A Reminder - Have your number of participation reached 10 or 25??? Then you are eligible to be included into the List of Veteran or Super Veteran Blog-a-Tonics.  Just drop a mail to "", and "" with the links to all your posts (or simply label all your BAT entries and send Marshal that single link).

Hope you all enjoyed this edition!
Poetically Yours,
~ Someone is Special ~

1 comment:

  1. Thank U for the votes and the win guys!! (pls accept my "apology" for not returning to vote... :( )
