DATE FOR BLOG-A-TON 21 : JUNE 11, 2011
Hello friends, I'm back as interim Marshal of this event again. Blog-a-Ton 21 will be on the second Saturday of June i.e. 11th June. So without further adieu, let us get to the discussion/voting for the topic...
Please go through the following rules before suggesting or voting
- Each member can suggest only one topic.
- The topic should be general in scope, so that more and more Blog-a-Tonics can participate.
- If you like any suggestion, VOTE for it rather than giving a new suggestion.
- If you like a suggested topic but don't like the wordings, still VOTE for it and alongside suggest a new title for it.
- In case you have already suggested a topic but find some subsequent suggestion better than yours, you are allowed to vote for it. But this can be done only once.
- Rather than criticising the suggestions made by others, kindly give better suggestions.
- Give your suggestions and votes in the comments section of this post.
- Do not embolden your comment using HTML bold tag.
- Please keep these points in mind to make my job easier.
P.S. I retain the right to discard any suggestion in case I find it similar to some previous Topic of the Month or too narrow in scope.