Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog-a-Ton 29 Results - Two Minutes of Fame? :)

I first take two minutes to thank every one who participated in BAT29. It's a pleasure to have you here. Of the 28 who participated, 21 returned to vote, and 19 of the votes were counted. From the voting code of Sandy and Manasa, I couldn't decipher who their votes fell to, hence these two votes weren't counted. Again, we've had a tie for bronze, requiring me to vote to break it. It shows the quality of entries here I feel.

The results of Blog-a-Ton 29, here is the list of participants and the cheers they garnered:

19 participants have garnered at least one cheer under their name. :-) Rock on Blog-a-Tonics :-)

As evident, here are the three Blog-a-Tonics of the Month. Just Click on their names to read their respective entries.





Ash Sharma


Congratulations to the winners. T.T.T and SiS, you ran Rajrupa close, and were tied for bronze till the end of voting. Good luck to you both for BAT30. 

You all can also read the voting comments now. Just click here to find who all voted for you or liked your entry and what they had to say about it!

Stay tuned for BAT 30 which is set to begin soon.!

A Reminder - Have your number of participations reached 10??? Then you are eligible to be included into the List of Veteran Blog-a-Tonics.  Just drop a mail to "" & "" with the links to all your posts (or simply label all your BAT entries and send Marshal and Co-Marshal that single link).

Hope you all enjoyed this edition..!

Poetically Yours,
Blog-a-Ton Co-Marshal,


  1. Congrats to CRD, Ash Sharma and Rajpura! Thanks to CRD, Rohan, RaNii and JJ for encouraging me with your votes. Yay, Happy!!!!!! Thanks to all the participants for making this edition a successful one!!

    Someone is Special

  2. Congratulations to the winners!. Way to go!
    Thanks Rajrupa for your vote.. Its a pleasure being a part of blog-a-ton.

  3. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you C. Suresh, Engram and T.T.T. for voting for me. Unfortunately, I messed up with the code and couldn't cast a valid vote.

  4. Thanks a lot for your wishes. Here's thanking those who voted for me - GRACIAS.

    Nice to know that those who I had voted for feature in the top four. It was really difficult to vote for 3 out of so many wonderful entries.

    BAT is doing a wonderful job at organising these contests. Helps keep bloggers like me on their toes ;)


  5. Thank you Jaish, Aativaas, Ranii, CRD for voting for me and thank you Leo for helping me get there! Happy!

  6. Congratulations CRD, ASH, RAJPURA ...!!

    Thanks a bunch, S. Saini and Jaish for the recommendations..:D

    This was my first time in BAT and I enjoyed being part of it...but sadly, didn't know that I could also come and vote ...:((

  7. Thank you menachery, crd( congrats ), yatin, aativas and vikas for voting for me. Thanks blog a ton for providing a good platform for bloggers.

  8. Congrats to the winners! Thanks Saini, TTT and Ash for ensuring that I ended up with 3 cheers (first time I crossed 1 cheer in 3 attempts). All the more surprising to me since I had only 10-15 min.s to dash it off in:)

  9. Great to see the results..and congratulations to the winners.

    thanks Menachery and SiS for voting for me. Pune Bloggers Meeting kept me from voting.

  10. ahh!!

    my reply came too late here, but still

    thanks and congrats ALL
