Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rules and Reminder for Blog-a-Ton 30

Let’s start the celebration... Blog–a–Ton! is aging three now! Wow! Exciting!

The dream is having 100 entrants in a single edition! Can we make it possible in this edition? Can we read 100 entrants this time? Spread the word, invite your friends...

Publish the post on 5th AUGUST, 2012 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (IST)!

Date for Blog-a-Ton : 
5th AUGUST, 2012

As you already know, the image for Blog-a-Ton 30 has been finalised as:

Please follow these rules while publishing your post and thereafter:
  • You can choose the title for your post as you wish.
  • This image should be an integral part of your post.
  • The post should start with this code. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to your post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    This post has been published by me as a part of the <b>Blog-a-Ton 30</b>; the thirtieth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <a href=""><b>Blog-a-Ton</b></a>.
  • The post should end with the following code. It also contains the credits to creator of this image and hence, is very important to be displayed to prevent any copyright infringement.   Just copy the following HTML code and paste to your post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    The <b>fellow Blog-a-Tonics</b> who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective <b>posts</b> can be checked <a href=""><b>here</b></a>. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <b><a href="">Blog-a-Ton</a></b>. I’m thankful to BLOGGER NAME, who introduced Blog-a-Ton to me, and I debuted in XX edition. </blockquote>

    <b>Credits </b>

    Image - <i><a href="">Shades of Orange</a></i> by <i><a href="">Harsha Chittar</a></i>
    Courtesy - <i><a href="">Curious Dino Photography</a></i> via <i><a href=""></a></i></div>
  • Publish the post on August 5th, 2012 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (Indian Standard Time)
  • Use the following code to provide direct link to your post.

It will look like this: Someone is Special - I ♥ Blog-a-Ton and will link to your post.

As we are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary, so we marshals thought of some special rules

  • The BATOMS blog post will be featured on our official Blog-a-Ton PageM
  • All the participants will be featured with a short intro about their blog on a separate page.
  • There will be special incentive for the blogger who refers maximum number of Blog-a-Tonics to this edition. He\She will be featured on official Blog-a-Ton Page. If you refer someone or did refer them already in earlier editions, please ask them to specify your name using the above code! Thanks in advance!

Please follow this rule to ensure easy navigability to your post.
  •  Use your complete name to prevent any confusion and mix up with other bloggers.
  • Remember, you can not post more than ONE entry.  
  • In case you post your link after the stipulated time, then your submission will not be considered for voting. 
  • Return between August 6th 18:30 IST and August 12th 18:30 IST to vote for your favourite post. A separate notification for the same will be posted upon the conclusion of the event. So do not vote till then. Just enjoy reading the various entries, keeping in mind your favourite but worth-winning ones.

DO NOT USE THE COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS POST FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. If there are any queries, ask them in the comments section of previous post.

Looking forward to a read wonderful passionate Blog-a-Ton writers post again!
Poetically Yours,
Someone is Special


  1. Veteran sounds a big word to me...:-) but yes this is my tenth entry. Writing is a continuos dream but my lazyness kills the dream. BlogaTon did forced me to write sometimes. Thank you BlogATon.


  2. MY ENTRY FOR BAT 30...

    Someone is Special - Shades of Life


    As requested by a few Blog-a-Tonics, I'm extending the deadline by two hours. The timestamp of the comment should be 06-07-2012 01:59:00 or before that.. Enjoy..

    Poetically Yours,
    Someone is Special

  3. @All, thanks for the participation..

    Blog-a-ton 30 is now closed. We have 36 official entries. All succeeding entries will not be considered for votes.

    Keep writing..!

    Someone is Special

  4. Hey Marshal,

    Quick question since this is my first time on BAT. When voting starts, are we allowed to only vote once or can I vote for multiple people?

  5. @Deepa,

    When voting starts, you'll be given a voting format. You can vote for up to 3 of your favorite blog-a-tonics from this edition, and all 3 of the votes would need to be in the same comment.

    As Marshal S.i.S has mentioned, the voting post will be up at 6:30pm IST, so enjoy reading the other entries till then.

    Cheers and all the best,
    C0-marshal, Blog-a-Ton.

  6. @Deepa,

    My apologies :) It's actually 5 votes this time, since it's a special edition. The post is up. Cheers.

  7. Thanks Leo!
    Just got done with reading all the entries! Great work people - some amazing creativity there! ATB to all contestants!
