Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blog-a-Ton 33 Results: Finally someone gets the reason to CELEBRATE!

I thank everyone for participating in this edition and making this edition a success. It was exciting, fun and happy to read 38 entrants. Out of the 38 entrants, 18 of you returned to cast your votes too, and in total 77 cheers to decide 3 winners. Also, 25 participants have garnered at least one cheer under their name. Way to go.. Congrats!

The results of Blog-a-Ton 33, here is the list of participants and the cheers they garnered:

Click here to view an enlarged image

As evident, here are the three Blog-a-Tonics of the Month. Just Click on their names to read their respective entries.





Dreamer (Tanaya)


Congratulations to the well deserved winners (Panchali, Dreamer (Tanaya) and MuthuKumar). Jai Shruti, Amit, Asteria and Sapna who were close till the last minute. Anyway, better luck next time..

Winners can drop an email to any of the marshal id's to claim their badges.. Winners will also be featured on Blog-a-Ton Cover Photo. The photographs will be taken from their respective blogger profiles. Also, GOLD BATOMS will be interviewed in the month of December. Sorry to keep you waiting. Keep writing..!!!

You all can also read the voting comments now. Just click here to find who all voted for you or liked your entry and what they had to say about it!

and... the lucky person to be featured on Blog-a-Ton page for a month is....

Wanna get featured for a month?? Start referring your friends for Blog-a-Ton!!!

The Top Three contributors are

Someone is Special23

Stay tuned for BAT 34 which is set to begin soon.!

A Reminder - Have your number of participations reached 10??? Then you are eligible to be included into the List of Veteran Blog-a-Tonics.  Just drop a mail to "marshal@blogaton.in" & "pendownmythought@gmail.com" with the links to all your posts (or simply label all your BAT entries and send Marshal and Co-Marshals that single link).

Hope you all enjoyed this edition!
Poetically Yours,
Someone is Special


  1. Wow...I am overwhelmed...!!!!!
    Congratulations to Tanya and Muthu!
    Heartfelt thanks to Harshal,Amit, Dilip Patel,unknownshree, binzy, iduft,Odyzz, Megha, Ashwini who considered my post worthy of their precious votes. I'm honored :))Thanks a ton!

    Thank you, Blog-a-ton for your priceless Diwali gift!:D

    1. congrats Panchali! that's a big dhamaka on diwali!! enjoy! and as i've already told u, ur post was awesome..

      i got a little late for this BAT..hopefully i'll be in next time.

  2. This made my diwali super special....thanks a blasting tonn.... :D

  3. Many congrats to Diwali special winners! Have a blast!

  4. first of all my apologies for not voting though I read few of the stories and posts and liked them as well (Muthu's story is still fresh) but I couldnt vote due to diwali fever and unexpected night duty in hospital,
    thanks megha, iduft,amit and binzy for liking and voting.
    happy diwali people.

  5. Congratulations all :) Thank you for the appreciation Megha, Ashwini and Ayushi.
    Reading such a variety of posts on "Celebrations" was a celebration in itself...
    Happy and safe Diwali to all :)

  6. Congratulatuions to all the Blogatonians on completion of yet another BAT. Keep writing......... :-)

  7. hee hee I did not get any votes and missed voting too :P

  8. Many congratulations :) to Panchali Di, Dreamer(Tanaya) and Muthu.. :)
