Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blog-a-ton 55 - Topic Suggestion

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MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 23:59 IST

Welcome to a new edition of Blog-a-Ton!!!!

I’m Sarav a.k.a Someone is Special - The Marshal of Blog-a-Ton. Well, the time is ticking along, and we move to our 55th Blog-a-ton edition, which will be on JUNE 14, 2015.

It is going to be a special edition, especially for me, as this is the 25th edition, I'm hosting Blog-a-Ton. I'm excited about it. Are you excited?

Join then... I've arranged something special for all the participants in this edition. Watch this space for more clues.

Before I proceed further, let’s relive the journey together!

........the sweet journey

On 5th July 2009, Blog-a-Ton was born, a misnomer of the word Blogathon and on 1st August 2009, our first edition was hosted by our Marshal Vipul Grover and after 17 editions, he willingly took a break. Our Leo hosted initially, later I took the responsibility on my shoulders to march forward towards the dream!

Our dream is to get 100 participants in one edition, and our motto is to help writers to write better.

Can we make it possible in this edition? Can we read 100 entrants this time? Can we find 100 passionate writers? I hope we can. If you think the same, join us.

I’ve been known to cherish stats a lot. So here you go... in 54 Editions, we have read 1798 Official Entries; that’s an average of 36 entries per edition. We have crowned 151 Blog-a-Tonics so far – 70 GOLD BATOMS, 58 SILVER BATOMS, 22 BRONZE BATOMS and 1 MARSHAL PICK. Our Official Followers count is more than the magical four-digit number and we are more than seven hundred plus member family on Facebook!

Do you like to know more numbers that are magical?

Vinay Leo R of I Rhyme Without Reason has won 17 BATOMS (9 GOLD BATOMS, 7 SILVER BATOMS and 1 BRONZE BATOM) in total and has the most in GOLD and SILVER categories. Shilpa Nair of Servings of Mania and Apala Sengupta of A Message in a Bottle has won 2 BRONZE BATOMS each, the most by any. Vinay Leo R is also the best topic giver for BAT. His topic was selected as BAT TOPIC 12 times. Aativas of Times Change has participated in 47 editions, the most by any. Someone of Special of Few Miles is the most capped (24) Marshal. More stats below…

Click on the image for better resolution!

The way we usually go about on Blog-a-ton is that we have a call for topics (This time we are going to select an image and write inspired by the image.) and then by voting, we decide on one of the image as the topic for the month. After that, we give you a week’s time to write your post justifying the theme (IMAGE SELECTED) with a complementary post. Then, on the second Sunday of the succeeding month, you will publish the post on your blog, with our preset header and footer and come to Blog-a-ton and link your post in a comment. The week after the Blog-a-ton day will be for voting for your favorite blog-a-tonics from that edition.

We will be having the secret ballot in this edition.

What you have to do is suggest the IMAGE ALONG WITH CREDITS TO PROPER SOURCE. Moderation is enabled, and I'll select the first six images that come. And we begin voting on that. If I find any image to be inappropriate, or similar to that of a previous edition, that'll not come into the voting list.

Suggestion a image now or Vote for a image of your choice.

Click on the image to zoom!

  • You can vote for any one image. (Sample: I vote for IMAGE 1)
  • If you wish to change your vote later and support another image, you can do so during the voting time-frame. But you are allowed only one change-of-vote. I’ll consider only the second vote in that instance.
  • The voting period is from May 26, 2015, TUESDAY to June 1, 2015 Monday 23:00 HRS IST.
  • The image that gets the majority votes will be announced on June 1, 2015, 23:59 HRS IST as the BLOG-A-TON 55 image. In case two or more images are tied at the end of voting, my vote as Marshal vote will decide. This time, we are giving you 13 days to write your post.
  • The Date for BLOG-A-TON 55 is JUNE 14, 2015 Sunday from 00:00 IST to 23:59 IST.

Looking forward to a wonderful Blog-a-ton once again…

Poetically Yours,


  1. I suggest this image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monsoon.jpg

    The image is shared with the GNU free documentation license, so I suppose a credit link in the header blockquote saying, "Image Source, with much thanks: Monsoon, by Yann (Wikimedia Commons)" would be acceptable :)

    Vinay Leo R.

  2. Hey I would love to be a part of Blog-A-Ton again. And what better way than to make a come back for the 55th Edition. Hope I am able to get back on the writing bandwagon again and my stories get the same readership as before..
    Happy to see my name still features on the GOLD BATOMs list even if it is at the very bottom..:)

    I would have liked to suggest an image but I dont see the option here..:(

    ATB for touching 100 entrants this time!

    And a big TIA

  3. Here's my image suggestion:

  4. Hii
    Hope I am allowed to submit one more image suggestion.
    Since the previous root source could not be located. Here's an image I have found posted by a fellow blogger
