Monday, October 3, 2016

Blog-a-Ton 58 - Topic Discussion #Aativas50

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OCTOBER 29-30, 2016
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2016 23:00 IST

Welcome to Diwali Special Edition of Blog-a-Ton! This Edition, is also Aatvias of Times Change's 50th Edition, and so we are planning to perform a tribute to her.

We are at Version 3.0...New Format, New Rules, and New Badges. Visit here for more info.

I’m Sarav a.k.a Someone is Special - The Marshal of Blog-a-Ton. Well, the time is ticking along, and we move to our 58th Blog-a-ton edition, which will be on OCTOBER 29-30, 2016.

Our dream is to get 100 participants in one edition, and our motto is to help writers to write better.

Can we make it possible in this special edition? Can we read 100 entrants this time? Can we find 100 passionate writers? I hope we can. If you think the same, join us.

General Pattern:
  1. Initiating a new Blog-a-Ton edition by inviting suggestions for the topic: First Sunday of the month at 18:00 HRS IST
  2. Declaring the Topic of the month: Third Saturday of the month at 22:00 HRS IST.
  3. Sending Newsletter to our subscribers, featuring the last edition winners, topic of the month, prizes, and introducing our sponsors of the month: Thir Saturday of the month at 22:00 HRS IST
  4. RULES AND REMINDER POST: Last Friday of the month at 14:00 HRS IST
  5. Blog-a-Ton: we reserve the Last Saturday and SATURDAY of the month for Blog-a-Ton (from 00:00 HRS IST on Saturday to 23:59 HRS IST on SATURDAY). No further extension will be provided.
  6. Opening the Voting: Next day of Blog-a-Ton
  7. Declaration of the winners: Second SATURDAY of the month between 22:00 HRS and 23:59 HRS IST
* We will have a maximum of six editions per year.

We will be having the secret ballot in this edition, but with a twist like we had for Blog-a-Ton 33. We will do a Re-prompt! How many times we had missed out on a topic because of other tasks. It's a change to write on the most favorite topic. Are you ready?

I've selected 10 topics with the most no. of entires. What you have to do is vote for one of the TOPICs listed below: Moderation is enabled. All your votes will be kept secret.

Vote for a topic of your choice.

BAT 10Escape
BAT 11Hidden
BAT 12Wish
BAT 13Goodbye
BAT 14Return
BAT 16Celebrations
BAT 18Change
BAT 23Free
BAT 50Soulmates

  • You can vote for any one topic. (Sample: I vote for Celebrations, if it is one of the choices.)
  • If you wish to change your vote later and support another topic, you can do so during the voting time-frame. But you are allowed only one change-of-vote. I’ll consider only the second vote in that instance.
  • The voting period is from October 03, 2016, MONDAY to OCTOBER 15, 2016, SATURDAY 23:00 HRS IST.
  • The topic that gets the majority votes will be announced on OCTOBER 15, 2016, 23:59 HRS IST as the BLOG-A-TON 58 Topic. In case two or more topics are tied at the end of voting, my vote as Marshal vote will decide. This time, we are giving you 14 days to write your post.
  • BLOG-A-TON 58 WEEKEND starts at 00:00 HRS IST on October 29, 2016 and ends at 23:59 HRS IST on October 30, 2016. No further extension will be provided.

Looking forward to a wonderful Blog-a-ton once again…

Poetically Yours,
Someone is Special