Friday, April 2, 2010

Rules and Reminder for Blog-a-Ton 9

Publish the post on April 3, 2010 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (IST)!

Blogger is encountering some serious problems due to which same comments got posted again and again. Moreover, in between this post is showing ZERO comments. Please be patient and dont repost your comment.

Date for Blog-a-TonApril 3, 2010

Before I give you the details about posting, lets welcome the new Blog-a-Tonics
You all will be blogrolled soon. I hope to see all of you participating this time.
As you already know, the topic for Blog-a-Ton 9 has been finalised as:

Please follow these rules while publishing your post and thereafter:
  • The title of your post should be the topic itself; i.e. Fool.
    Please do not use any alternative title or your post link will be removed.

  • The post should start with this text within blockquotes and with link to this blog. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to your post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    This post has been published by me as a part of the <b>Blog-a-Ton 9</b>; the ninth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <a href=""><b>Blog-a-Ton</b></a>.

  • The post should end with this text within blockquotes and with links to the comments section of this post and this blog. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to ur post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    The <b>fellow Blog-a-Tonics</b> who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective <b>posts</b> can be checked <a href=""><b>here</b></a>. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <b><a href="">Blog-a-Ton</a></b>.

  • Publish the post on April 3, 2010 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (Indian Standard Time)

  • Use the following code to provide direct link to your post.


It will look like this: Vipul Grover - Fool and will link to your post.
Please follow this rule to ensure easy navigability to your post as this time no separate list of the participants will be provided later on
  • In case you post your link after the stipulated time, then your submission will not be considered for voting.
    If there are any queries, ask them in the comments section of previous post.

  • Return on April 4 to vote for your favourite post. A separate notification for the same will be posted upon the conclusion of the event. So do not vote till then. Till then just enjoy reading the various entries, keeping in mind your favourite one. 

Blogger is encountering some serious problems.

Blogger is encountering some serious problems due to which same comments got posted again and again. Moreover, at times this post is showing ZERO comments whenever I try removing redundant comments. Please be patient and don't repost your comment if you have done it already. Those leaving their links can do so and all comments will appear automatically.
I am clueless. Can anyone HELP??? 

Wishing you free flow of thoughts
Blog-a-Tonically Yours


  1. And BATOM 9 will be the best of the best 'FOOL'..ATB..:P

  2. Rashi - FOOL

    Oooh looks like this is a popular topic. It is just 1.30 am and 57 comments already. Awesome! Can't wait to read now!

  3. Ritu - The Fool

  4. Guria - FOOL

    Finally made it to the party after a long time... tho' the apparent number of entries (read: comments) almost had had me faltering! :))
    Happy to be back to BAT!

  5. All the above "Ignore this comment!" comments have been made because for each redundant comment I removed, I had to post another comment to make the comments visible. Blogger has gone MAD and we've gone FOOL!!

  6. if the problem persists, let's vote by emailing the marshall

  7. Hi Vipul,
    you have asked me to provide my blog link to be blogrolled.
    my blog link is :
    and i write sweta tiwary please look at it too :)

