Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My 2 Pennies - For Whatever It is worth

Are you here to Vote for BATOM??
Or just continue reading this beautiful Blog-a-Ton Experience of Tuppence.

What an honor and the first of its kind in my blogging experience. From an unnoticed blog read by just select few friends , if I can call myself “Tuppence” in this blog world, have about 20 odd followers, know some people whose writing style I admire ,  I owe it all to blog-a-ton.

Tuppence” is almost as old as Blog-A-Ton and I realized I never gave it a birthday hug or a birthday gift, neither did I celebrate its 100th post. So here is the story of the birth of Tuppence and Tuppence’s journey with Blog-A-Ton hand in hand.

Just like most people in blogosphere, I started off with a MyName.wordpress.com and ranted about my likes , dislikes and the mad things I was upto, the mood swings I was going through. Needless to say MyName.wordpress.com was an utter failure, not just because I wrote about those stuff but may be because it just did not click.

I thought about it and came up with the reasoning that
“Who wants to read about what I eat/do/like/dislike?”,
“Do my friends want to read about the same thing which I have cribbed to them about over the phone just an hour ago”?,
“If I have had a fight with a boss or am traveling places or experimented a new dish as a first cook, does the rest of the world care”?
“Why don’t I have anything to chit-chat /gossip about room-mate over phone when friends call, just because I had just blogged about it?”.
“Why am I obsessed every single moment , and always hunting for a blog opportunity., for that blog-able moment?"
“Don’t I just suck at humor to make it even readable?”
“Well, hell, nobody is reading and those who are, need not necessarily only read, I can talk to them.
..But if I quit, what happens to the writer in me, the dreamer in me, to my opinions on the things around me?”

Yes, The writer in me, the dreamer in me gave birth to Tuppence and the shy-person in me made me remain anonymous. Tuppence was thus born to put in writing my opinions about the things that I hold dear, the dreams I have nurtured, realized and lost – In all, my two pennies on anything I stumble upon starting from things as trivial as a movie that touches me, to a book that influences me to even as serious as a Dream Come True. “For Whatever it is Worth” , I was going to place my two Pence ( Tuppence) for the rest of the world to read.

I started with reviews of a few books, blogs, movies and soon, the same writer’s block upset me, got demotivated at not having a Mutual Admiration Club, not getting enough comments. Then came Blog-A-Ton. DaisyBlue deserves a mention and a big thank-you note through this post, for I have always been amazed at how regular she had been blogging and the virtual blog friends she had made. She was one of the blog-a-tonics who participated in BAT-1.
Here goes my Blog-A-Ton Journey so far:

After analyzing the cream and scum of blogging, I took a dig at the Lessons learnt from life, from the Teachers (people) in every walk of my life from whom I learnt and gave font to my opinions on life. I dreamt of having good readership, knowing people, getting tagged, writing guest posts, giving interviews and so much more on this blog. I nurtured my blog, by coming to it everyday, with motivation taken from other blog-sites like Nablopomo and blogged for all days of 2 full months. I felt as "If I were a baby again", longing for attention, gleaming with pride at comments.

After a few months of Blog-A-Ton, I was not getting encouraging readership, votes or even comments. I let it go as a passing cloud thinking it is "All in a day's work" for a blogger, one has to go through some downs to get up, so I kept the Connection with my blog alive, kept hanging to the thread of being regular to my blog, though I was brimming with negative thoughts.
My genuine reader community kept saying "What if" you don't, I was deeply upset. I used to think "Am I a fool?" to continue to write? I fought a struggle to Escape from these negative thoughts and to keep them Hidden and buried and to not let it affect my writing.

One fine day, I thought this was going to come to an end, I made a secret Wish to feature as guest blogger / Veteran blog-a-tonic when Vipul announced this. Nurturing this wish for days together, I was not getting a email from him for a long time, while I was on the verge of doing away with that wish and losing sight of it, the wish came true, and here is me living the dream I dreamt of writing a Guest Post, that too in Blog-a-Ton!
My two pennies are always here to place and a Good-Bye is not-near.

Here are my 2 pennies on Blogging

Blogging is a whole lot of fun. Being read, appreciated is a lot more fun. I see it as an opportunity to take a peek into people’s personality, get inspired by it and give vent to the myriad things that the human mind thinks up! Tell me your blog, I will find out for myself who I think you are.

A Thank-you note to Blog-A-Ton for being motivation for me to at least come to my blog once a month. ( I have realized in the last 6 months, I have written just one post a month, my BAT post). Thanks to all the people behind the blogs I follow, love and get inspired by.
Happy birthday to Blog-A-Ton and thanks Marshal for having me here.

Lots of love,


  1. Having been one of those 20 followers of yours, I must say your novel take on things has impressed me a lot.I have enjoyed reading your posts.I personally like your relationship series of posts.

    Keep writing.

    All the best!!

  2. Hey Tuppence that was an enthralling account of not js ur BAT XP but also ur blogging experience.. it was a pleasure reading it.. Keep enriching this event with ur posts month aftr month and I hope u nvr say GOODBYE to it :)

  3. You are not doing good. You are inspiring people to become anonymous writers. That is really bad. :P

    Jokes apart, it was really nice read. It sent me to those days when BAT started.
