Friday, October 1, 2010

Rules and Reminder for Blog-a-Ton 15

Publish the post on Oct 2, 2010 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (IST)!

Date for Blog-a-Ton : Oct 2, 2010

Before I give you the details about posting, lets welcome the new Blog-a-Tonics
I hope to see all of you participating this time.
As you already know, the image for Blog-a-Ton 15 has been finalised as:

Please follow these rules while publishing your post and thereafter:
  • You can choose whatever title for your post.
  • This image should be an integral part of your post.
  • The post should start with this code. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to your post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    This post has been published by me as a part of the <b>Blog-a-Ton 15</b>; the fifteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <a href=""><b>Blog-a-Ton</b></a>.
  • The post should end with the following code. It also contains the credits to creator of this image and hence, is very important to be displayed to prevent any copyright infringement.   Just copy the following HTML code and paste to your post in Edit HTML mode:

    <div style="text-align: justify;">
    The <b>fellow Blog-a-Tonics</b> who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective <b>posts</b> can be checked <a href=""><b>here</b></a>. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <b><a href="">Blog-a-Ton</a></b>.</blockquote>

    <div align="justify">
    <b>Credits </b>
    Image - <i><a href="">Alston Station</a></i> by <i><a href="">Wandering Soul</a></i>
    Courtesy - <i><a href=""></a></i> via <i><a href=""></a></i></div>

  • Publish the post on Oct 2, 2010 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs (Indian Standard Time)
  • Use the following code to provide direct link to your post.
<a href="ADDRESS OF YOUR POST">YOUR NAME - Title of Your Post</a> 

It will look like this: Vipul Grover - XYZ and will link to your post.

Please follow this rule to ensure easy navigability to your post.

        •  Use your complete name to prevent any confusion and mix up with other bloggers.
        • Remember, you can not post more than ONE entry.  
        • In case you post your link after the stipulated time, then your submission will not be considered for voting.
        • Return on Oct 3 to vote for your favourite post. A separate notification for the same will be posted upon the conclusion of the event. So do not vote till then. Till then just enjoy reading the various entries, keeping in mind your favourite ones. 

          DO NOT USE THE COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS POST FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. If there are any queries, ask them in the comments section of previous post.

          MARSHAL'S TIP
          Spend considerable time in mulling over the title for your post. Remember, a catchy title might lead to more traffic to your blog. So do not waste this one-time opportunity.

          DO NOT FORGET -
          The GOLD BATOM 15 gets his/her own personalised SuperAvatar with options to go for -
          • Full body cartoon with any expression / pose (like the new Mascot) Or
          • Couple's cartoon (chest height) Or
          • Your Superbooth cartoon (depicting 4 different standard expressions).
          In case of a tie at the top spot, the lucky winner will be chosen by SuperAvatar.
            So just go for it.

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            Looking forward to some great posts
            Blog-a-Tonically Yours