Monday, September 28, 2009

Rules and Reminder for Blog-a-Ton 3!

Time for submissions is over!

Date for Blog-a-Ton
: October 3, 2009

Before I give you the details about posting, lets welcome the new Blog-a-Tonics

As you already know, the topic for Blog-a-Ton 3 has been finalised as:
The Indian Dream

Please follow these rules while publishing your post and thereafter:

  • The title of your post should be the topic itself; i.e. The Indian Dream
  • The post should start with this text within blockquotes and with link to this blog. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to ur post in Edit HTML mode:
  • The post should end with this text within blockquotes and with links to the comments section of this post and this blog. Just copy the following HTML code and paste to ur post in Edit HTML mode:
  • Publish the post on October 3, 2009 anytime between 0000 hrs and 2359 hrs.
  • Use the following code to provide direct link to your post.
    It will look like this: Vipul Grover - The Indian Dream and will link to your post.
    Please follow this rule to ensure easy navigability to your post as this time no separate list of the participants will be provided later on
  • Return on Oct 4 to vote for your favourite post. A separate notification for the same will be posted within 24 hours of the event's conclusion. So do not vote till then. Till then just enjoy reading the various entries, keeping in mind your favourite one.

Please use the following code to provide direct link to your post in the comments section.

Looking forward to great participation
Blog-a-Tonically Yours


  1. This is a late entry. Its not eligible for the voting phase, nonetheless a must read.


  2. Here is another late entry (not eligible for voting). Do visit it and share your opinions with the blog-a-tonic.

